Medical doctors consider proper, certified massage therapy to be a great component of wellness, wholeness, and healing. Maybe you’re a patient recovering from an injury or just someone who’s curious about massage therapy but never thought that you fit the bill for someone who frequents a spa. Massage therapy can be great for anyone, and a massages spa in Orem could be just what you need. Here are a few less commonly known massage types that we offer.
Pregnancy Massage Therapy
When a woman’s body is working so hard for so long, a specialized massage could be the sweet relief that she really needs. As an expectant mother, you may be concerned that massage therapy is a risky business. We design our prenatal massage therapy around each individual, and our therapists know how to correctly and safely position and support a woman’s body throughout the experience. Every woman is different, and you know what you really want out of your experience. We adjust our massages according to those needs and desires because our goal is to make our clients feel relief from some of the aches of pregnancy, including backache, stiff neck, leg cramps, and even anxiety or depression.
Sports Massage Therapy
You don’t have to be a professional athlete to need a good sports massage. This type of massage therapy is designed to both treat physical injury and enhance flexibility and performance. In this type of massage, we utilize a variety of techniques according to the type of physical training your body is accustomed to. Feel free to consult your trainer, doctor or physical therapist before signing up for sports massage therapy. We are certain that it can comfort your aches and swelling, muscle pains, and even performance anxiety.
This is a fancy name for a much more common type of massage therapy: a foot massage. We call it reflexology, however, because our therapists know how to use pressure points in your feet to cause a reflexive and positive response in different areas of the body, all just from massaging your feet! This may sound like a stretch, but so much of your health is connected to your feet, and reflexology can benefit everything from your circulation, to nerve function, to the health of your urinary tract. The most obvious perk is, of course, how intensely relaxing it can feel.