When it comes to wrinkles, there are plenty of tricks and techniques out there that can help you reduce signs of aging. But the best solutions are often those ones that can be completed at home, without disrupting your daily life. One of the most important ways to have healthy and beautiful skin is to have a well-balanced diet each and every day. Consuming the right foods will do more than just keep you physically healthy: It will also have an impact on how well your skin holds up. Reducing the signs of aging doesn't need to be a hassle, all you need to know is what foods to incorporate into your week.
This blog post will focus on the foods that you should be consuming in order to have tight and smooth skin. Wrinkles are an inevitable part of life, but you can help reduce their prominence, particularly in areas that are hit the hardest – around your mouth and eyes. Most anti-wrinkle foods are rich in antioxidants, which helps to reduce the impact of the free radicals inside your face that attack the elastic tissue and natural collagen in your face.
Here are some of the foods you should be consuming, as compiled by Natural Health Magazine:
- Blueberries: Really, any kind of berries will work well here if blueberries aren't a favorite of yours. This is because all berries contain the antioxidant polyphenols. What they do is bring much-needed oxygen to your skin cells, especially those in your face. The polyphenols help your face's skin maintain elasticity, which means that it will take much longer for any wrinkles to appear.
- Red peppers: Who doesn't love a delicious red pepper? In addition to being the perfect ingredient for any meal, the red pepper is loaded with vitamins A and E. These minerals will both moisturize and heal your skin, leaving you with a face that is both softer and free from unsightly blemishes. As with the berries, any red or dark colored vegetable will do, so make sure that you stock your kitchen full of of carrots and beets in addition to the peppers!
- Salmon: At least once a week you should switch out your regular chicken or beef dinner with salmon. This fish, while tasting great, contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help to prevent inflammation in your skin. This means that wrinkles will not form because the skin cells of your face will not expand and contract. Eating a three-ounce serving just once a week will keep your skin healthy and well-lubricated.
- Tomatoes: Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is an antioxidant that is wonderful for your skin. Not only that, but it can protect you from a whole host of other diseases, including cancer. All you need to do is eat half a cup of cooked tomatoes once a day – so start making them a part of your regular mealtime schedule!
If you are looking for other ways to rejuvenate your skin and get rid of those pesky forming wrinkles, be sure to schedule a chemical skin peel from Seasons Salon and Day Spa! Contact us today for more information on the service and to ask any questions you might have for us.