When it comes to your nails, you might not think that there is a lot you can do in order to keep them strong and healthy. Sure, we all know that consuming milk is good for your cuticles, but have you ever really put much thought into your nails, aside from getting them done at the salon? The truth is, there are plenty of foods out there that can help you create healthy and beautiful nails all-naturally. It can be very easy to care for the tips of your fingers, all you need to know is what you should be eating on a more frequent basis!
Nails that looked brittle, or are discolored or cracked are very clear indications that you are lacking essential nutrients in your body. As long as you are caring for the rest of yourself physically, your nails – along with everywhere else – will look great! Having well-balanced meals each day that are full of proteins, vitamins and minerals are the best way to achieve strong nails and physical health! This blog post will cover several different foods that are very important for you to eat, with the added benefit of creating cuticles you can be proud of.
Here are some of those foods:
- Eggs: The B-complex vitamin biotin is one of the best ways you can combat brittle nails. This vitamin specifically addresses the issue of nail weakness, which can be combated by having eggs on a frequent basis. Eggs are also filled with protein and vitamins A and E, all of which are excellent for nail growth and strength. Eggs are also rich in calcium, which is good not only for your nails but for all of your bones.
- Fruit: All different kinds of fruits are absolutely loaded with the types of vitamins that can help you build up the strength of your nails. Depending on what you are in the mood for, you can have them for breakfast while you are running off to work or as a healthy snack alternative between lunch and dinner. Various fruits will offer you the vitamins you will need – kiwi, for example, is loaded with vitamin C while bananas are great for B6. Or, if you are in the mood for something else that will offer you great physical and nail health, blueberries and blackberries are high in antioxidants.
- Grains: Yeast and barley are filled with the B-complex vitamin biotin as well as protein, both of which promote good nail health. Whole grains such as these also have complex carbohydrates, which nutritionists suggest work together with other vitamins and minerals to improve the sheen and hardness of nails. Other grains such as brown rice, oats and rye also rich in vitamins A and B.
- Meats: For other products that your body needs – aside from vitamins that have been listed above in this piece – lean meat products are where you should turn. Meats that are low in fat content are rich in iron, which is exactly what you need to optimize the health and look of your nails. You will find high levels of both iron and protein in red meats, such as ground beef or steak. Consuming meat at least once or twice a week will benefit your entire body, not just the nails.
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