If you are somebody who travels a lot for work, you likely find yourself on long flights fairly regularly. Being up in the air so much for extended periods of time can eventually take its toll on you physically, especially when it comes to your skin and nails. In order to prevent any long-term damage from happening, there are several steps you should take in order to make sure that the delicate locks on your head and your face's skin are as protected and kept looking as beautiful as possible.
Here are a few beauty tips to help get you through a long flight:
- Apply a volumizer: Hair will inevitably flatten over the course of a flight, but you can counteract this by adding some hair volumizing product before you board. Keep your locks in a ponytail and let it loose after you land for gorgeous hair that looks like you just had it styled.
- Prep your skin: Before you get on the flight, you want to make sure that your skin is in the best shape possible. In order to do this, you need to exfoliate and moisturize your face the night preceding your trip, so it will be well-hydrated and have a layer of protection from the recycled airplane air.
- Rest: The worst thing that can happen is you arrive at your destination looking worn-out and exhausted. To prevent that from happening, make sure that you sleep enough on the flight, especially those that will be more than four hours. Even a short nap can do wonders for your skin's appearance.
If you are in the market for hair extensions or a chemical skin peel, be sure to schedule an appointment with Seasons Salon and Day Spa today!